Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Time for a list

I'm not saying it's the easy way out, but coming up with a list is kinda easy: pick a subject, chose how many things you want to put on it, pick that many things, done!  But some people do work hard on them and justify every single item (sorta like my Fantasy Garage).  But since nothing really interesting happened to me today (except watch all ten webisodes from BSG, so GOOD!) so I am doing a list today similar to Meg Fowler's love lists.  

I'm gonna make a list of ten things that made me smile today:

1) Being sunny/warm enough to not have to zip up may jacket on the way to class this morning
2) The delicious onion rings i had with dinner.
3) Not eating a cafe sandwich for the second day in a row
4) BSG webisodes
5) Africa: Ceremony and Ritual
6) Not getting sick from last night's week old White Castle burgers
7) Having class all day, but never having to switch seats
8) Having my mom call me to tell me she watched a movie
9) Waking up to Beethoven's 9th
10) Listening to my friend's radio show

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