Saturday, February 14, 2009

Never sit down

Wow, has it really been three days since my last post?!  God I need to get with it, I even missed my Fantasy Garage post.

Don't worry folks!  I am here and alive!  We did go out on the ice Thursday, even though we had just had like a week of fifty degree days.  The ice was still very thick and no one fell in (unless you include me getting my boots wet).  

I also had my first thesis meeting with my advisor on Thursday and I am really excited to start the project with her.  I have to find some reports and find out how I'm going to get money to stay on campus over the summer.  So many things to do!

Also, Friday was a day of planned ridiculousness.  Lots of apartment bonding that turned into me not being able to pull myself away from the Xbox to tell you all about my new car in the Garage (car coming soon, as in once i finish this post).

I have a bunch of work to do this weekend, most importantly I need need NEED to catch up on sleep.  This of course means lots of sleeping in today (I got up at 12:30) and tomorrow.  Hopefully this will recharge the old batteries for the rest of what should be a long week.

I got to talk to The Roommate today which was great!  I haven't talked to him since he left for his study abroad, so it was really great to be able to talk to him about finding housing for next year and the like.

I really want to go eat something, but I feel if I just wait a while I could have a large late lunch and be happy with that.  Ruin my dinner and have lunch at the same time!  What a concept.

And now to the title of today's post: the philosophy of "Never sit down!"  So last night when I was party hopping there times when all I wanted to do was go to bed, but like a good party hopper I kept on hopping.  But I mentioned that if i sat down I probably wouldn't get back up, so one girl said, "So just never sit down!"  And that is how i made it through the rest of what was a rather enjoyable night and I feel this philosophy can be applied to other parts of life, not just partying.  For example...well, I can't come up with any right now, but it definitely seems like a philosophy that can be applied to many parts of life.

I am experimenting with a new format today, more in the style of Meg Fowler's blog, with many different thoughts separated by a double space.  I think it works pretty well and might use it more in the future to include more in my blog posts.

Ok, now I have to go put a new car in the Garage.

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