Monday, February 9, 2009

Sick and blah

Not much to report today, so I'm making two lists!


10 really awesome things that happened to me today:

  1. Learned how to use the numbered list function on blogger.
  2. Made plans to meet up with a group member so that we don't have a disastrous field day like we did last week on the lake.
  3. I now have a thesis advisor!
  4. Talked to The Old Friend for over an hour and am now going to lunch with them on Friday.
  5. Ate half a pizza for dinner even though I had a late lunch.
  6. The post-doc in the lab I work in finally returned from his data gathering trip.
  7. Realized I really want a 1999-2005 model Honda Odyssey.
  8. Saw the lab where The K/T Boundary works.
  9. Am about to go visit The Piano Man at his job (hint: it's not at a bar).
  10. Totally nailed a problem from my geochem problem set, even though we didn't have to do it.
10 really crappy things that happened to me today:

  1. Had crazy insomnia and didn't fall asleep until 4AM!
  2. My cold went from sore throat mode to full fledged runny nose and congestion mode.
  3. The lounge I went to eat lunch in didn't have a microwave, so I couldn't eat lunch at a regular time.
  4. Left my food in that lounge's fridge and had to go buy more.
  5. Found out that someone else is throwing the party I was going to have, so I have to wait until next week to have it.
  6. Suddenly realizing the ice might be too thin to warrant a field day on Thursday to the lake.
  7. Realizing I have over 50 pages of reading to do.
  8. Not getting any mail.
  9. Finding out how many people in my life actually play World of Warcraft.
  10. Not being able to come up with ten stupid things that made me feel crappy today!!!!

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