Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh I forgot to give the damn thing a title

So while I was at dinner tonight, I queried a friend about a problem set I had glanced over, but not started.  "Oh god Steve, it's so hard.  You should leave right now and work on it if you want to get any sleep tonight!"  Now when I heard this I was sceptical, mainly because it was a 4 question set and we had done the last one in class.  Well, I returned a phone call to a friend and it turns out she was having some difficulty with the homework and was wondering if I could help.  Having not done it I figured this was the perfect opportunity to complete it and help a friend.  Turns out we nailed the sucker down in like 3 hours, which as far as problem sets go ain't half bad!

Also, the more and more I think about what I eat the more and more I realize I pretty much eat the same things all the time.  They still taste good, and when there is something else I am interested in I do order it, but I just seem to be having the same foods all the time.  So this week I am going to try to expand my culinary tastes and eat something different every day.  One of these days I will have a I better hope there is a good one on the menu this week!

I realize I have been spotty lately with the blogging, but I was really busy and things should clear up and get a bit lighter this week.  Until we all ramp up for midterms of course!  The fun never stops here at university.

Oh and before I forget to mention it, my date on Saturday with The Old Friend went very well and we're now going out.  Needless to say this was a very awesome weekend.

Awesome except for one thing: Saturday morning.  Someone who came over to the apartment (The Caow) decided it would be a good idea to turn up our thermostat to above 80.  So Saturday morning I wake up to find my room a sauna and it was very uncomfortable.  Very uncomfortable indeed, but I never considered that the thermostat had been turned up.  I pretty much blamed everything from the time of day to global warming to the blinds.  Turns out when you hear hooves, it isn't zebras.

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