Friday, February 27, 2009

Monday-Friday, when did I get THIS bad

Wow, I'm sure glad it isn't my job to blog, otherwise I would have been fired by now.  Things have been a little laxed and yet busy at the same time.  Nothing particularly exciting except that this weekend should be a lot of fun/work.  Midterms are next week and the time to start studying is now...and by now I of course mean tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow I am going to do a hospital visit as party of my EMT class tomorrow at 8AM.  When i signed up I thought it would be fun in the "oh look I haven't seen 8AM in months" sort of way.  I also planned on getting sleep this week.  But I'm going to stay in tonight and try to get to bed early since 8Am is really REALLY early these days.  Having 10AM classes being one's earliest leads one to stay up later cause they can get more sleep from 8 to 9.  Unlike last semester where I had a 9AM class twice a week, which prevented me from saying things that I say now, like "Wow, I got to bed so early last night....before 3!"  Yeah, I need to get on that.

On a positive note, my plans to eat different foods all week has been a success!  Breakfast was not as easy to mix and match, but the rest of the meals fell nicely into line.

Also, one advantage of staying in tonight: I get to finally watch Aliens!  At least that is the plan until one of my housemates convinces me otherwise.

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