Friday, February 20, 2009


Wow, did you see that?!  All CAPS!

This is going to be an awesome collection of really sweet things that have happened to me today, starting with the fact that I have a date for dinner Saturday night!  I know, I'm excited to.  It should be a good time and hopefully a sign of good things to come.

I sent an email to my thesis advisor asking her to review my rant proposal forms today at around 11:30AM.  I then went to lunch with The Old Friend, went to class, and went to pick up The Scrum from the train station with The Brewmiester.  So at 4:30PM I check my email and she says that everything looks good and to bring the forms by her office so she can sign them.  The email was time stamped 12:09PM.  After freaking out for 1.29 seconds, I dash out of my apartment, hoping against all hope that she would still be in her 4:30PM...on a Friday.  Luckily god was smiling down on me (oh colloquialisms referring to a higher power) and she was there and everything was taken care of.

The Brewmiester, The Caow, The Bamboo and I made a music video covering "I'm on a Boat" by Lonely Island.  If you haven't already seen it, go to YouTube and watch it now.  It is a little hilarious.

And now time for a bonus list: Awesome things I've learned from reading webcomics.
  1. Asking a girl out to dinner works.
  2. Baristas are awesome.
  3. There are people nerdier than me.
  4. There are people who are obsessed with gaming as much as I would hope to be if I had free time.
  5. Sometimes fiction can be more over the top than life, but not most of the time.
Ok folks, now it is time for bed for little Stevie.

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