Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The needle was broken

Many of my friends know I make really awful analogies.  They are great!  They are usually really over the top and worded to make the point, but fail in terms of reality and good taste.  But hey, they work, and that's all I care about.

So today I have a great analogy to describe how my day was: it was like you get into your car and you have like quarter of a tank of gas and you start out driving for a long trip, and you look down and suddenly realize the needle has been stuck on quarter of a tank for like 5 hours, and you know you should be out by now, but the car is still banging on all cylinders, so you say "Screw it!", and keep on driving!

So, how this is relevant: I went to bed around 4AM and woke up at 9AM and I thought I was going to be screwed.  5 hours of sleep is not enough, but I woke up and felt fine, great even!  I went the whole morning feeling fantastic and then missed lunch cause of an early field trip.  I thought I was screwed considering I was about to be walking around for 3 hours.  But instead I was fine?!  

Clearly I have played my last ace and shouldn't push my luck too far. 

We shall see, we shall indeed see.

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