Friday, February 27, 2009

Fantasy Garage: Challenger SRT8

Car: Dodge Challenger SRT8
Options: 6-Speed Manual Transmission
Price after options: $41, 940

I wanted this to be my first car, to own.  I had it all planned out: how much it would cost, how I would make it work, when I would buy it.  And then the starting price was a few grand higher than I had expected and reality set in.  So I had to scrap the dreams of owning one.  That plus the less than stellar reviews made me hold back even more...until now!

This is Steve's Fantasy Garage!  And here, fantasy is reality!  So what if the interior is made of Chrysler crap-tastic-plastc?  It's got the looks, the big HEMI V8, and can run from 0-60 in under five seconds!

The Corvette had Americana written all over it, but you cannot deny the very retro American muscle car styling and attitude that the Challenger just exudes from every angle.  This car is all about straight roads, tire smoke, and American Muscle!

Money left in the "Fantasy Garage Account": $211, 999

Monday-Friday, when did I get THIS bad

Wow, I'm sure glad it isn't my job to blog, otherwise I would have been fired by now.  Things have been a little laxed and yet busy at the same time.  Nothing particularly exciting except that this weekend should be a lot of fun/work.  Midterms are next week and the time to start studying is now...and by now I of course mean tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow I am going to do a hospital visit as party of my EMT class tomorrow at 8AM.  When i signed up I thought it would be fun in the "oh look I haven't seen 8AM in months" sort of way.  I also planned on getting sleep this week.  But I'm going to stay in tonight and try to get to bed early since 8Am is really REALLY early these days.  Having 10AM classes being one's earliest leads one to stay up later cause they can get more sleep from 8 to 9.  Unlike last semester where I had a 9AM class twice a week, which prevented me from saying things that I say now, like "Wow, I got to bed so early last night....before 3!"  Yeah, I need to get on that.

On a positive note, my plans to eat different foods all week has been a success!  Breakfast was not as easy to mix and match, but the rest of the meals fell nicely into line.

Also, one advantage of staying in tonight: I get to finally watch Aliens!  At least that is the plan until one of my housemates convinces me otherwise.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Didn't forget the title this time

When did hairy start to be used instead of difficult?  We have all heard the saying "This is a hairy situation."  But where did it come from?  More importantly how is it really acceptable?  How is something "getting hairy" mean it is getting difficult?  Does it come from the fact we grow more hair on our bodies in different places as we grow older and life is difficult?  And problems being hairy?  "Now here is a problem that's a little hairier than the last."  What does that mean?

Today I had a PB&J and it was a little fantastic.  I haven't had one in so long.  If you aren't allergic to peanut butter: get on that.

I was able to catch up on all my blogs and webcomics today.  This is the joy of having class not end at 4PM on Mondays.  However, I do now have to get on that.

Oh I forgot to give the damn thing a title

So while I was at dinner tonight, I queried a friend about a problem set I had glanced over, but not started.  "Oh god Steve, it's so hard.  You should leave right now and work on it if you want to get any sleep tonight!"  Now when I heard this I was sceptical, mainly because it was a 4 question set and we had done the last one in class.  Well, I returned a phone call to a friend and it turns out she was having some difficulty with the homework and was wondering if I could help.  Having not done it I figured this was the perfect opportunity to complete it and help a friend.  Turns out we nailed the sucker down in like 3 hours, which as far as problem sets go ain't half bad!

Also, the more and more I think about what I eat the more and more I realize I pretty much eat the same things all the time.  They still taste good, and when there is something else I am interested in I do order it, but I just seem to be having the same foods all the time.  So this week I am going to try to expand my culinary tastes and eat something different every day.  One of these days I will have a I better hope there is a good one on the menu this week!

I realize I have been spotty lately with the blogging, but I was really busy and things should clear up and get a bit lighter this week.  Until we all ramp up for midterms of course!  The fun never stops here at university.

Oh and before I forget to mention it, my date on Saturday with The Old Friend went very well and we're now going out.  Needless to say this was a very awesome weekend.

Awesome except for one thing: Saturday morning.  Someone who came over to the apartment (The Caow) decided it would be a good idea to turn up our thermostat to above 80.  So Saturday morning I wake up to find my room a sauna and it was very uncomfortable.  Very uncomfortable indeed, but I never considered that the thermostat had been turned up.  I pretty much blamed everything from the time of day to global warming to the blinds.  Turns out when you hear hooves, it isn't zebras.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fantasy Garage: G8 GXP

Car: Pontiac G8 GXP
Options: None (even though I should pony up the cash for the manual, I won't)
Price After Options: $35, 295 (this includes a $3, 000 discount that is stated on GM's website)

This week has been an epic fail for GM.  They have shut down their performance division, they have decided to end Saturn, Saab is filing for bankruptcy in Sweden, Pontiac is being shrunk to a niche brand, and they still need more money from the government.

In light of all this I have been trying to decide what car I should add to the Garage this week.  My thoughts have run from Subaru to Cadillac to BMW, but what I really wanted was the BMW M5 without the iDrive or the Cadillac CTS-V without the "look at me" grill.  And then I remembered the bargain G8 GXP or the poor man's M5.

Now, before I decided on the G8 GXP I did consider the last generation Pontiac GTO, which was not a huge success, but was fast.  And in considering this I thought about what the garage was: was it a collection of awesome cars that can be purchased or a collection of new cars.  I think we all know which one I chose (new).

So here we have the best Pontiac turned out since the GTO and it comes just as the brand and the platform it is based on is discontinued.  But let us for a second pretend this isn't happening.

The car corners like the best German sports cars and is blisteringly fast.  Plus it doesn't break the bank, and in this economy they can be had for real cheap.

The interior is upscale for GM, which isn't saying much, but is a step up and almost par for the price range.  This car is the one I would drive to have fun when the time called for 4 doors and the mini-van was just too big.

If you are in the market for a large sports sedan on a budget, the G8 should be on your list.  If it is not, test drive it to humor me and then reconsider your short list.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Mine would be in red, cause grey/silver is just too damn boring.

Money left in "Fantasy Garage Account": $253, 939

Friday, February 20, 2009


Wow, did you see that?!  All CAPS!

This is going to be an awesome collection of really sweet things that have happened to me today, starting with the fact that I have a date for dinner Saturday night!  I know, I'm excited to.  It should be a good time and hopefully a sign of good things to come.

I sent an email to my thesis advisor asking her to review my rant proposal forms today at around 11:30AM.  I then went to lunch with The Old Friend, went to class, and went to pick up The Scrum from the train station with The Brewmiester.  So at 4:30PM I check my email and she says that everything looks good and to bring the forms by her office so she can sign them.  The email was time stamped 12:09PM.  After freaking out for 1.29 seconds, I dash out of my apartment, hoping against all hope that she would still be in her 4:30PM...on a Friday.  Luckily god was smiling down on me (oh colloquialisms referring to a higher power) and she was there and everything was taken care of.

The Brewmiester, The Caow, The Bamboo and I made a music video covering "I'm on a Boat" by Lonely Island.  If you haven't already seen it, go to YouTube and watch it now.  It is a little hilarious.

And now time for a bonus list: Awesome things I've learned from reading webcomics.
  1. Asking a girl out to dinner works.
  2. Baristas are awesome.
  3. There are people nerdier than me.
  4. There are people who are obsessed with gaming as much as I would hope to be if I had free time.
  5. Sometimes fiction can be more over the top than life, but not most of the time.
Ok folks, now it is time for bed for little Stevie.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Making the bed with lots of sheets

So, yeah.  Might be a little stressed about how much stuff I have to do over the next 10 days.

Turns out my advisor DOES want me to apply for the grant whose application is due Friday.  That's not so bad, except I'm hosting a party tomorrow night so I have to do all my work for Friday tonight, AND I need to start filling out forms since they are all due next week, AND I have to eat and sleep, AND THE WORST OF ALL: I will have to start actively managing my time...more...again.

Rant over.

I was in the elevator with someone today who talked to me about how he met someone who knew me.  I don't know who the person is who he met, nor do I know who this guy was.

A minute goes by really fast, but anything longer than a minute can take a while.  This I learned while waiting for my food to heat up for lunch today.  Also, I want a PB&J and some Cheerios.  I should work on this.

Yeah, now I need to go get my dinner and start my work.  So much to do and so little time!

I wanna go to Texas

So the samples that I will be analyzing for my thesis are currently in Texas.  My advisor says that they might take a few weeks or months to arrive.  Luckily I am a student, so she said that if it would take months to get here it would be my job to just fly down and get them.  Texas adventure anyone.

The Brewmiester comes into my room this morning after I have just woken up and says, "Steve, some day I will teach you about love."  I asked if there was a story behind this sudden outpouring of friendly advice, but it turns out that he was just in a really good mood for 9 o'clock in the morning.

Tonight I am going to meet with my four good friends The Fence, The Politician, Kansas, and Jeeves.  Topics of discussion will hopefully center around rooming for next year.  Obviously I want to live with The Roommate, but we are also hoping to steal away The Politician to form a house of 3.  We shall see how this all works out.

Oh, and I now have a work station/desk space in my thesis adviser's lab.  Yay!  I am part of something!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


They say if your drinking is getting in the way of your work you have a drinking problem, but if your work is getting in the way of your drinking then you are an alcoholic.

So this week, my work is going to get in the way of my procrastinating.  In an effort to alleviate this I am going to do some work early so I can hangout and chill with people.

Doe this make me a procrastinator or a studious person?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

And basically the rest of my life

Funny thing about doing your laundry at 10:30AM on a Sunday: you see people around the apartment complex you might not see all the time.  For instance I saw my friend The Fence, who I hadn't seen since the first day of classes.  Though it wasn't anything more than just a hello, it was neat to just watch people's interactions through the court yard.  There are the people returning home from a long night out, people seeing the sun for the first time that day and sort of stumbling around like new born giraffes.  All fun sights to see to be sure.

A disturbing pattern has started happening over the past few weeks that I should be worried about, but will do the procrastinator's thing and ignore it, and this is that at the end of the day I have to loosen my belt a notch.  Now I am not fat, but on this particular pair of pants I am able to tighten my belt all the way, which doesn't work on my other jeans for one reason or another.  So I am not too worried, but when this level starts to feel tight I might be in trouble.

I have this week to apply for basically the rest of my life.  That sounds daunting, but...yeah, there is no real sugar coating on this.  I have to meet on Tuesday with my thesis advisor to decide which fellowship program to apply for to get grant money for the summer.  Not a big deal, accept that I want to go to field camp (an intense 4-6 field course for credit over the summer; highly recommended; lots of fun) and the only program that doesn't interfere with my brother's high school graduation is all of July, which is when all the grant programs are in full swing.  I am sure my advisor and I will be able to make the case for granting me an exception, but...I will remain cautiously optimistic.  Oh, and I have until the end of the month to apply for the masters program here at university.

So much fun to be had!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fantasy Garage: Odyssey EX

Car: 2009 Honda Odyssey EX
Options: Fog lights
Price after options: $30, 436

Yeah baby!  After 3 sweet coupes I chose a mini-van.  

Now, let me explain this because it is something that requires some explaining, to be sure.  All auto enthusiasts understand or should understand that SUVs are stupid.  They are large, gas guzzlers that have worse mileage, cost more, and carry less than mini-vans.  Mini-vans can carry an absolutely ridiculous amount of people and stuff.  They comfortably have three rows rather than 2 with a tiny third row.  I would buy a mini-van and you should too.

The Honda Odyssey has been consistently one of the best, mostly because of its driving performance.  Of course saying that it is the best of the losers doesn't say much, but in a group of vehicles where every car is as boring as the next, it is enough to make it standout.

It is the car to have if you need more space than a hatch-back.  You could get a crossover, but you could also get a large sedan that has equal space and trunk room.  In the car wars this is one segment that is to often overlooked for all the wrong reasons.  Once people get over the soccer mom stigma of the mini-van, I am sure they will love it.

Also, this is the only car in which I have spun the drive wheels at every take off, which makes me giggle.

Money left in "Fantasy Garage Account": $289, 234

Never sit down

Wow, has it really been three days since my last post?!  God I need to get with it, I even missed my Fantasy Garage post.

Don't worry folks!  I am here and alive!  We did go out on the ice Thursday, even though we had just had like a week of fifty degree days.  The ice was still very thick and no one fell in (unless you include me getting my boots wet).  

I also had my first thesis meeting with my advisor on Thursday and I am really excited to start the project with her.  I have to find some reports and find out how I'm going to get money to stay on campus over the summer.  So many things to do!

Also, Friday was a day of planned ridiculousness.  Lots of apartment bonding that turned into me not being able to pull myself away from the Xbox to tell you all about my new car in the Garage (car coming soon, as in once i finish this post).

I have a bunch of work to do this weekend, most importantly I need need NEED to catch up on sleep.  This of course means lots of sleeping in today (I got up at 12:30) and tomorrow.  Hopefully this will recharge the old batteries for the rest of what should be a long week.

I got to talk to The Roommate today which was great!  I haven't talked to him since he left for his study abroad, so it was really great to be able to talk to him about finding housing for next year and the like.

I really want to go eat something, but I feel if I just wait a while I could have a large late lunch and be happy with that.  Ruin my dinner and have lunch at the same time!  What a concept.

And now to the title of today's post: the philosophy of "Never sit down!"  So last night when I was party hopping there times when all I wanted to do was go to bed, but like a good party hopper I kept on hopping.  But I mentioned that if i sat down I probably wouldn't get back up, so one girl said, "So just never sit down!"  And that is how i made it through the rest of what was a rather enjoyable night and I feel this philosophy can be applied to other parts of life, not just partying.  For example...well, I can't come up with any right now, but it definitely seems like a philosophy that can be applied to many parts of life.

I am experimenting with a new format today, more in the style of Meg Fowler's blog, with many different thoughts separated by a double space.  I think it works pretty well and might use it more in the future to include more in my blog posts.

Ok, now I have to go put a new car in the Garage.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The needle was broken

Many of my friends know I make really awful analogies.  They are great!  They are usually really over the top and worded to make the point, but fail in terms of reality and good taste.  But hey, they work, and that's all I care about.

So today I have a great analogy to describe how my day was: it was like you get into your car and you have like quarter of a tank of gas and you start out driving for a long trip, and you look down and suddenly realize the needle has been stuck on quarter of a tank for like 5 hours, and you know you should be out by now, but the car is still banging on all cylinders, so you say "Screw it!", and keep on driving!

So, how this is relevant: I went to bed around 4AM and woke up at 9AM and I thought I was going to be screwed.  5 hours of sleep is not enough, but I woke up and felt fine, great even!  I went the whole morning feeling fantastic and then missed lunch cause of an early field trip.  I thought I was screwed considering I was about to be walking around for 3 hours.  But instead I was fine?!  

Clearly I have played my last ace and shouldn't push my luck too far. 

We shall see, we shall indeed see.

Rockin' out to get the paper out!

So I finished all the reading and started my paper around 1:30-ish and I was ON FIRE!  I went to Pandora (awesome online radio station where you can create your own stations by typing a song or artist) and I turned on my DragonForce station and just went at it!  

The rocking music got me pumped and I was in the zone.  We all have that time when we can just write coherently forever and not stop.  Yeah, I was there and I pumped out the paper in a little over an hour.  So that's cool, but now I have to get some sleep otherwise I will not be a happy camper tomorrow.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sick and blah

Not much to report today, so I'm making two lists!


10 really awesome things that happened to me today:

  1. Learned how to use the numbered list function on blogger.
  2. Made plans to meet up with a group member so that we don't have a disastrous field day like we did last week on the lake.
  3. I now have a thesis advisor!
  4. Talked to The Old Friend for over an hour and am now going to lunch with them on Friday.
  5. Ate half a pizza for dinner even though I had a late lunch.
  6. The post-doc in the lab I work in finally returned from his data gathering trip.
  7. Realized I really want a 1999-2005 model Honda Odyssey.
  8. Saw the lab where The K/T Boundary works.
  9. Am about to go visit The Piano Man at his job (hint: it's not at a bar).
  10. Totally nailed a problem from my geochem problem set, even though we didn't have to do it.
10 really crappy things that happened to me today:

  1. Had crazy insomnia and didn't fall asleep until 4AM!
  2. My cold went from sore throat mode to full fledged runny nose and congestion mode.
  3. The lounge I went to eat lunch in didn't have a microwave, so I couldn't eat lunch at a regular time.
  4. Left my food in that lounge's fridge and had to go buy more.
  5. Found out that someone else is throwing the party I was going to have, so I have to wait until next week to have it.
  6. Suddenly realizing the ice might be too thin to warrant a field day on Thursday to the lake.
  7. Realizing I have over 50 pages of reading to do.
  8. Not getting any mail.
  9. Finding out how many people in my life actually play World of Warcraft.
  10. Not being able to come up with ten stupid things that made me feel crappy today!!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Honestly honesty? Honestly.

So I read this article about a man who decided to tell his wife the truth for a year.  Now, having never been married, I must say that this sounds like  difficult proposition.  I have been in several relationships and the little white lie is something that is paramount.  

"Does this dress make me look fat?"  When ever you hear that question you really only have one answer, "No honey, you look great!"  But this guy was actually honest.  According to the article it made his wife feel better and he found that the fear of the other's response was usually worse than the actual thing.  His wife also felt that it was a nice change.  Though she was not particularly thrilled at some of the things he said, she appreciated his honesty and is happier in her relationship now than ever.

This made me think about something I have had on my mind for a while now: when should one be honest and when should someone lie?

I feel that this is a question that has plagued people for ever.  There are times when telling someone the truth would only make you feel better, but hurt the other person.  You feel great for having the weight off of your shoulders and you feel as if you have done the right thing by exposing the truth, but, like with most things in life, it isn't that simple.  What ever you have unearthed was buried for a reason.  There are parties that would be hurt by the telling of the truth, for sure.  So the question then becomes is one person's clean conscience worth the unhappiness of an unknown number of others?  Or to put it another way: should one lie, if lying maintains the most overall happiness?

I was recently placed in the position of keeping a secret (some may call it lying by omission, I feel it falls into a grey area, but in this case it was blatant lying) from someone I'm close with, whom I trust and share everything with: my confidant, of sorts.  What I was going to do would have upset this person, so I chose not to tell them, because it made more sense, to me, that they remain happy not knowing what I was doing.  Of course, as karma and these things go, this person found out and it wasn't until later that I found out how upset my lie really made them.  As the article said, it wasn't so much what I was doing, but more the fact that I chose to keep it a secret that hurt my friend.  I have since decided that if I can't tell my confidant things then what the hell am I doing at all, so I have endeavored to be more truthful with them, but the thought still lingers with me of whether the overall level of happiness would have remained if my friend hadn't found out.

I, personally, prefer to keep things very close to the chest.  I try not to wear my heart too far out on my sleeve and I usually keep things private.  I will usually tell anyone anything, but there are things I need for me.  Certain things that know one will know because I'm just a private person.  Some of these things are secrets and trusts that I have picked up throughout the years and some weigh on me, but for the most part I hold them out of sight and out of mind.

Between this event, my past, and reading this article I have had to reevaluate my feelings on the truth and what should and shouldn't be kept a secret and what the purposes of secrets are in general.  The definition of secret describes what a secret is, but not why a secret is.  This is where the disconnect is for many people.  

For some, there should be no secrets and life should be open and free.  But then again, some things are secret such that others my benefit from not having that secret or the events that are being considered secret known to them.  But who decides what should be secret and what shouldn't?  Should the wife of the cheating husband be told about what is going on or should she be kept in the dark?  Should a friend know about your plans for the weekend of would them be kept in the dark because you were told specifically not to invite them?  Do you tell your wife she looks fat in the dress or tell her it looks just fine?

One of the things the article impresses upon the reader is making sure you word the truth correctly: a qualifier of sorts.  So do you tell the wife of the cheating husband that he is cheating on her, but also say the truth that he still loves her and cares about her and the kids and would never leave her?  Do you tell you your friend your plans, but say that if you could invite them you would and that you wish that they could be there?  Do you tell your wife the dress makes her look fat, but also tell her the truth that you like that look on her?

This is where I have to smile about the several shades of grey that make up the life we all live.  In the end it comes down to personal preference.  The article shows one example of the truth system working.  I have seen the truth system fail and i have seen lying work in order to make every party happier than they would be if the truth were to be known.

I will lie in the future.  I am human and have no problem admitting this, but I will also try to be more truthful.  No one can live at either extreme.  Unless a happy medium is found people will be upset by trying to maintain unreal standards for themselves.  

So friends, if and when you can, tell the truth.  Your life will probably be better for it.  And when you can't?  Make sure you bury that secret so it never comes to light!

Happy living folks! :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fantasy Garage: MX-5 Miata

Car: Mazda MX-5 Miata
Options: Touring trim, Suspension Package
Price after options: $25, 100

Ah yes, a third coupe for my fantasy garage.  The Miata has been one of the all time bench marks for superb handling.  The only company that comes close to matching the sublime Miata is Porsche, and I would be remiss to not mention Lotus here as well.  But the cheapest cars from both of those companies start at double the price of the Miata.  This makes the Miata not only a handling gem, but a smiles-per-dollar satisfier!

I will admit that I was tempted to choose the RX-8 over the Miata here, but there are a few things that held me back and one was NOT price.  The RX-8 uses a rotary engine, allowing it to rev higher than most cars ever feel comfortable.  This however comes with a few draw backs: reduced fuel economy and increase oil thirst.  Those aside, it might have made its way into the garage, and it still might, but for now the spot goes to the Miata.

Something else that I should mention since I have been in one of these: the top.  The convertible top on the Miata is so easy to put up and take down.  One arm reaches back and pulls it up, done.  Latches and such, but that's it!  And to make matters better, the top folds right behind the seats, so there is no loss of trunk space!  Though the twins from GM might go faster and look cooler (Pontiac Solstice and Saturn Sky) they have no trunk, top up or down.  I know.  I've seen it.  I wouldn't store a sandwich in one of their trunks, but I would put luggage in the back of a Miata.

Money left in "Fantasy Garage Account": $319, 670

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Movie Review: Alien

Seeing Aliens before hand ruined this a bit for me.  As did seeing Spaceballs.  That aside I did enjoy the movie, but sometimes things are lost when you know the ending.  Instead of wondering who lives and who dies, you know.  Some may say how the story goes is what makes a movie appealing, even if you already know the ending (movies about the Alamo for example).  

Having never seen Aliens all the way through (review pending once I watch it, again fully), but being able to better make connections that I couldn't before made this worthwhile.  In terms of horror scifi, this movie really takes the cake.  A story about an alien that gets loose aboard a tow-ship in the middle of space and starts killing people (or does it?).  The plot seems pretty linear, but like with many movies there's more than meets the eye.  You learn about the alien and some of the crew during the movie; things I would have liked to have known going into Aliens.

Also the use of Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) as the heroine makes a break from other horror or scifi films where the female lead is weak and needs to be saved by the male lead.  I feel that making Ripley the heroine adds more to the movie than if Ripley had been a man.  She's tough, resourceful, and the one who you want on your team when the Aliens attack, oh wait that's the sequel!

Something else about the movie I liked a lot was how real it was.  The characters were not put simply into cookie cutter stereotypes, and the interactions of the crew and the ship made everything seem more believable.  They do things you or I would do if we were put in the same situation.  Rather than doing things completely over the top.

Damn Tablets!

Today my geochem class went out to our work site.  Our work site is a lake that has several residents and a YMCA camp.  Our job is to do a full work up about the sediments, water quality, etc.  My job, along with four other people, is to map out the bathymetry of the lake.  There was a slight problem with this though...well a few:

1) The lake is completely frozen over so the most we could do was take GPS points for where holes had been axed open and samples taken.
2) The tablet PCs decided to not work...both of them!  So we had to go back to the university and find one that worked.  Then of course none of us remembered to work the program properly so the data won't be 100%, but that is just a quick fix.
3) Oh, and we couldn't get any soundings so we have to wait until the spring for the ice to melt enough for us to take row boats or canoes out.

Aside from all that I must say that the novelty of walking over a frozen lake has not worn off.  We were walking on ice!  How cool is that?  

Also, I was so SO warm!  I put on a heavy under armour, then a lighter under armour, then a t-shirt, then a heavy long sleeved shirt, then a fleece, then a wind breaker.  I was toasty.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Time for a list

I'm not saying it's the easy way out, but coming up with a list is kinda easy: pick a subject, chose how many things you want to put on it, pick that many things, done!  But some people do work hard on them and justify every single item (sorta like my Fantasy Garage).  But since nothing really interesting happened to me today (except watch all ten webisodes from BSG, so GOOD!) so I am doing a list today similar to Meg Fowler's love lists.  

I'm gonna make a list of ten things that made me smile today:

1) Being sunny/warm enough to not have to zip up may jacket on the way to class this morning
2) The delicious onion rings i had with dinner.
3) Not eating a cafe sandwich for the second day in a row
4) BSG webisodes
5) Africa: Ceremony and Ritual
6) Not getting sick from last night's week old White Castle burgers
7) Having class all day, but never having to switch seats
8) Having my mom call me to tell me she watched a movie
9) Waking up to Beethoven's 9th
10) Listening to my friend's radio show

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Because today was Wednesday

Today, for the whole day, I thought it was Wednesday.  Usually this would cause some people to think, "Crap?!  It's not Wednesday, damn!  That means there is so much week left!"  For me though, I was over joyed.  I began to think of how fast the week had gone by and how quickly the weekend was coming up and began thinking that at this rate university will be over in no time and I don't want that to happen!  There's still so much left to do: parties to be had, movies to watch, classes to take.

Luckily I was completely wrong and tomorrow is Wednesday.  Yay!

So a while back when I went to visit The Baker, The Brewmiester and I went to White Castle and got a crave case of 30 burgers.  The leftovers have been in our fridge for a little over a week now.  Back story over.  So I went to dinner with the usual folks (The Brewmiester, The Caow, and The Bamboo) and I must say, my dinner was pretty bland, small, and over all unimpressive.

So I cam back to the apartment and had 8 leftover burgers and they were amazing.  I am sure The Baker thinks I'm going to drop dead any moment from food poisoning, but until then I regret nothing.  They were delicious and were just what I needed to fill me up.


Oh, and Ford uses a V10 in some of its trucks, and VW might have a couple V10 turbo diesels.  And NOW I'm done with the whole correction to last week's Fantasy Garage post.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Much to my friends amusement I have to correct an error to Friday's Fantasy Garage post.  Audi and Chrysler also use V10 engines in their cars (A8 and Viper).  It seems that I was a little quick to call the cylinder count as unique as I had (though very few companies use it, regardless).  I am more upset that I forgot the Dodge Viper than the A8 myself.  I guess it has to do with the killing of the model and pretty much over all death of the company.  Sad, but true.

Have you ever been eating something and then almost gotten to the end of it and stopped cause you were full, but then took one more bite for posterity, realized it still tasted really REALLY good and found you were no longer particularly full and then scarfed down what was left?  Yeah, sure you have.  That happened to me today when I was 2/3 of the way done with what turned out to be a really delicious curried chicken salad sandwich I had bought from a cafe.  Mmmmmm...good stuff.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So it goes, another one down

Friday night I was able to make an ass of myself not once, but three times.  Now how does one do this to such a spectacular level, you ask?  Well let me tell you good sir/madam, I went to a concert and thought I saw someone I knew.  So I go up to them to shake their hand.  Turns out that the person I thought was my friend was just some random person.  I did this three times.  I am only a little embarrassed, but it was really dark and when you think you know someone you want to go say hi, right?  Well, now I've learned my least until the next concert.

Yesterday was spent mostly relaxing with my house mates and then we went out dancing at friend, The Stalker's place.  She's nice and a great hostess.  My friend The Caow also had some friends from back home and they seemed to enjoy their time at our university.

[Insert random thought here]

Another weekend down and still lots more fun to be had before the end of the semester!