Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So what happened dude?

Yeah, what happened?  I say I will blog more consistently and then don't blog the next day.  Hmmm...I wonder what happened?  Could it be I was playing video games?  No, I gave those up.  Was I hangout out with my awesome girlfriend?  I wish, but alas that was not the reason either.  Could it be that you were working really really REALLY hard all night on some work?  

Yeah, it was that last one.  I have spent 15 of the last 24 hours working on one class, between finishing a lab, going to class and going to lab.  Yeah, it has been an intense last 24 hours.  I also rediscovered coffee.  YAY!

Aside from that, I feel I did really well on the test I took yesterday (in a different class).  I felt really well prepared and there was a question on something I had asked about during the review session the night before, so that made me feel good.

I had lunch with The All-Nighter this afternoon, which was great cause I hadn't seen her in a long time.  Finally we said we just had to sit down and do lunch.  So we did and it was fun.  Gosh don't I tell the best stories ever?  We talked a lot about my major and what I liked about it and how she felt she had been doing the same thing forever.  She has, but she is really knowledgeable about that part of microbiology.  I think she is just jealous that I get to go on field trips.

Today my thesis advisor and I also began clearing some space away for me in the lab so I can get ready to start analyzing samples.  It is beginning!

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