Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nose to the grind stone

So today I studied a lot for my test tomorrow and I am about to do a reading response for another class and go to bed.  I am feeling pretty good about this test tomorrow, the professor was really stressing that we should study things that he covered that weren't on the practice tests, but I think I have most of the material under my belt.  As long as I think through all the problems and don't over think them I feel I should be fine.

In other news I am running out of socks.  I have one pair left and they are my super duper thick wool ones.  Normally I would do laundry, but I don't know when!  Hopefully I will find time tomorrow and all will be well.

Chicken fingers and mayo are not good breakfast foods.  FYI to all you out there.

Ok, now to do this and get a good night's sleep.

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