Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Back at Uni

Got back at university last night after a lovely concert Sunday afternoon.  Spent last night catching up with The Scrum, who was here even though we are still on spring break.  What ever, he just left a few minute ago so I can blast my music as much as I want.  YAY!

But I didn't come back early just to stare at the ceiling, I am here to do work.  Today I am going to start getting books and papers together as preliminary research for the papers I have due later this semester.  Also I am going to figure out when all these assignments are due.  That seems kind of important.

I will also start decorating the apartment a little with the 3 posters my brother got from last year's auto show.  Hopefully the rest of my housemates won't mind.  I am just tired of people telling us we need more decorations!  Screw you guys, maybe we like the spartan look of bare white walls.  It gives that "We are thrifty and appreciate empty space" vibe...and the "we're too friggin' lazy to do anything about this" vibe.

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