Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well now that that's over

Done with Midterms!

I think I did well on Wednesday's.  It was super long; who writes 3 hour long midterms?!  But it was very "fair" in the sense that there were no surprises and it covered EVERYTHING we had done up until that point.  Aside from it being a marathon, it was fine.  

The one I took today was less awesome.  Having come straight off of the first test, I went straight to a review session for today's exam where the professor walked in with all of their lecture notes and said, "Ok, who has questions?"  Now normally I would have been studying since the night before and would have something, no matter how trivial, to ask.  But having just spent the last night studying for the marathon, I didn't have much to go on.  Also there was no review sheet.  WTF?!  That was what made studying really frustrating: the lack of direction.  This is a personal problem I have (that I will elaborate more on in some other post), but when you are trying to study everything it is really hard.  You have to try and triage between what you know, what you need to study because it is important and will be on the test, and what is obscure and doesn't need to be covered.  In the end there are bond to be somethings that fall through the gaps.  For me, there were definitely somethings that weren't on the test that my study mates and I spent a good amount of time on, and certainly some things we had briefly glanced over that were actually on the test.  

Moral of the story: it was a learning experience and now I know how to study better for the next exam.

But more importantly I'm done with midterms (well, for now) and spring break starts tomorrow afternoon, which is pretty sweet.

Why are you doing for spring break Steve?  Well, glad you asked!  I am going home for the first week (yes, my university has 2 week spring breaks, it is kind of the best thing ever) to spend some time with the family.  My brother is getting his 5 wisdom teeth out, the little freak of nature.  So that should be fun to hold my mom's had through that, since...ok, funny story.  So when I got all 4 (cause I'm a normal person) of my wisdom teeth out my mother took one look at me: pale faced, drugged, with blood caked and dripping from my mouth; and she fainted.  Now she didn't "faint" faint, but a nurse had to help her into a chair and get her a juice box.  She was a real trooper.  I was fine, drugged and numb, but I was with it.  Really angry also.  Not at anything in particular, just angry.  My dad told me this was just the way I react to anesthesia and should warn nurses that I "am very disoriented and get angry" when coming out of anesthesia.  So to prevent my mother from passing out in the hospital, I'm going to be there.  Lucky me, but all should go well as long as they don't rupture a sinus or cut a nerve.

Then for the second week I was going to go to Texas to get samples for my thesis...but it turns out my thesis advisor and I have no idea where the samples are located, so there is no reason to go if there is nothing to get.  And I was all set to be the Yankee going to Texas!  Alas...shit happens (family motto, personal philosophy, and a truism).

Instead I am trying to convince my mother to let me come back to school a week early.  I'll probably make it so I have to by scheduling a meeting during the week (hi mom, thanks for reading!).  But in all seriousness, I do have three 10 page papers due over the next month that I need to do research for and write and ten pages is just outside my "pop it out in one night/weekend" threshold.  Six pages?  Whatever!  Eight pages?  Give me a weekend/a couple days. Ten pages?  Whoa, there are papers longer than eight pages?!  So we will see how it will work out.

I could work from home, but it will probably turn out something like this: wake up at 10AM, spend the day running errands with my mother, pick up my brother from school, play with him for a bit, then help with dinner (I know my mother is laughing somewhere at that line, but it is more moral support kinda help), eat, and then either go to bed like everyone else or go out with friends.  Rinse and repeat.  While here at school there would be NO ONE around, and I would have to do work after the first day of nothing but movies and sitting on my ass.  Like I said, we'll see how it all works out.

Super good news: I got approved for grant money to do research over the summer!  Super sweet.  All I have to do now is figure out housing for the summer, but that is no biggie.

So I am going to finish a quick assignment and hit the hay.

I promise to write more frequently!  Or at least try to.

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