Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Greetings from the mangosteen lab


I know it's been a long time and I should probably have a top notch excuse as to why I have been so lax with my blogging as of late...but I don't. So deal with it.

This week is the start of the 2009 Formula 1 season. The race is Sunday in the land of Oz. It should be exciting considering the new regulations that have been put in place regarding rear wing and diffuser design and the implementation of the new KERS (kinetic energy recovery system) which gives drivers a 6 second boost of 82hp per lap. It is a boost button like in the video games! I can't wait, it should increase passing A LOT! I am super excited to see how the new cars handle the tracks.

In other news I bought a 4 pound cake for my major's mixer this week to encourage more people to show up. Last time there was a pretty low turnout. My plans for increased turnout might be hampered however by the fact that it will rain tomorrow and tomorrow night. looks like my roommates and I are going to be stuck with a ton of cake to eat...what a shame.

The Old Friend is currently working furiously away at some sociology statistics program. She seems to be having tons of fun, and by tons of fun I mean she hasn't had a nervous break down, and by nervous break down I mean made a scene in this computer lab, and by make a scene I mean yell at the computer because the program is apparently not that easy to use and requires intense concentration. I'll tell more about her adventures in stata later.

I have been using coffee this week as a hardcore crutch in the mornings and I don't like it! I am therefore blaming coffee for the headaches I have at the end of the day.

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