Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wow stick (the manual kind)

Now that I'm not at university and driving more often I get to talk about cars a whole lot more than I used to.  Starting with how much I missed driving stick.  I have gone from mediocre to competent, just by being away at university.  Now those things might seem to be exactly the same, but I assure you they are different.  Mediocre means I could do drive a manual, not good or bad, but I could do it.  Sure there were times when I would jerk the car, or the very rare occasion when I would stall, but today I was driving around in my very hilly suburb and I was pretty competent.  I didn't roll back to much on the hills, I didn't stall out, and my shifts were pretty smooth (on average).

In other news, I guess you could say I'm a little sick.  I thought I would kick this thing fast seeing as how I didn't really have that much of a sore throat two days ago and I was feeling only a little sniffle yesterday and was expecting to bounce forward today.  Not so much.  Felt worse than yesterday, pretty much all day.  I blame the change of scenery.  I always get sick when I come home from being at school.

Also, when I get sick I usually have really trippy dreams and the past two nights have been no exception.  I don't want to go into details, but Sunday night's dream was really vivid.  Last night's was too, I just don't remember it at all, but I know it happened.

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