Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting my priorities in order

So this past week has been disgusting!  Never have I been so unable to harness my incredible ability to do work. 

I have come to the realization that the leisure and fun I had over spring break is clearly unsustainable.  As we all know from the media, doing things sustainable is GOOD and doing things unsustainable is BAD.  As such I will have to drop some things from my life in order to (three words that should be one) increase productivity and the amount of time spent on what is (should) be really important to me.  

As such, my video game playing: gone.  Outta here!  It is a luxury for those who have the commodity to pay for it; namely time.  I can no longer justify the weekly payments that this activity has asked and that I have been willing to pay in full.  Now, I will probably keep with the midnight study break tradition, but the casual playing: indefinitely shelved.

Blog reading: must be cut down.  Though I love reading them my studies over the past week has shown me how much time I actually spend reading them.  Though I will try to keep up and current, I know many will have to be left as a weekend activity.

Web comics: already reduced.  Sale going on now!  I forget the last time I read a web comic.  Clearly this is where I found some of the video game time.  Fun thing about a web comic is though: if you fall behind all you need to do is go to the page and catch up.  This seems like a great Saturday morning activity and it should become only such.

Blogging: must be upped!  Just because I am reducing my time with other things doesn't mean I have to reduce everything!  I do have to round out the fantasy garage and keep this blog more up to date.  Things get boring sometimes in my life, but I should be able to find somethings to write about.  It just starts to flow when you sit down at the keyboard, the trouble is typing those first few lines to prime the system.

Work: ugh, exponential increase.  This is one of those things that one would like to do, but is really hard when you don't have a gun to your head.  Metaphorically, of course.  I can't do my current work schedule and add stuff to it without running out of hours in the day.  Mostly I am looking at the long term papers I have due this month and my thesis work that is going to start demanding my time unconditionally, relentlessly, and with a passion.

Sleep: eh, whatever.  This week was terrible for me sleep wise.  Coming off of 2 weeks of 8-10 hour nights to *BAM!* less than 7 hours every night, sometimes...a couple of times less than 6?  WHAT IS THAT?!  But, I am a university student.  This is what we do, but I am going to try and get to bed...around...before...not too late  From now on (an watch me eat those words).

Ok, now to go watch the first Formula 1 race of the season!

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