Friday, March 13, 2009

Slow couple of days

So much to blog about that I am separating it into separate posts to make up for the lack of posts over the last few days.

First: my brother's wisdom teeth.  All 5 are out and he is doing just fine.  I think he was more worried about what was going to happen than things actually happening.  When the doctor came out to talk to us after the surgery was over (same doc who took out my wisdom teeth) he told us (my mother and I) that when he went in to start the nurses were all talking about how cute I was.  Apparently I won them all over.  It was a pleasant ego massage: middle aged women swoon over me.

When we brought him home he was out like a light and my mom and I had a nice pasta and meat sauce dinner.  Since then he has stopped wearing a scarf of ice and towels and is eating more and the swelling isn't that bad, but that is mostly due ( I think) to the fact that he is already a little chubby.  When I swelled up, you knew it because I am normally pretty slim.  Him on the other hand it isn't as noticeable.  This is all really a plus for him, since he will be able to look fine when he goes back to school next week.

Other than that, The Director and I went out to dinner last night with a teacher from high school and that was nice.  I hadn't seen either of them in a while and it was pleasant to see both of them again, even though I was still a bit sick (wait for second post).  And then The Old Friend called from the airport before leaving for the next 10 days, it was nice to hear from her since her phone had died the day before and I wanted to say goodbye (more related to this in third post) before she left.

Aside from all that it has been pretty quiet around here at home.  Oh, I got to visit a bunch of teachers from my high school.  That was nice to see them all again.  I was talking with them and just so surprised that I had graduated 3 years ago.  It seems like such a long time ago.  Oh how time flies.

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