Monday, January 3, 2011

When Roses Wither

My lab mate is several steps ahead of me in the job hunt, but as the first start of the new year comes so does the rejection letters.

I've felt the sting before. Getting knocked down a peg when the elitist assumption of my university's name being able to float me further than I can carry myself doesn't hold water and I find myself having to reach for the nearest life jacket.

But one person's misfortune is my wake-up call. I realize that I need to get my act into high gear and apply as if my job depended on it...which it does.

I skated by on nepotism in the past, but there comes a time when even friends and connections run out and you have to get your own foot in the door...and that time is now.

Err, well, tomorrow.

Procrastination still wins...until I'm unemployed that is.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing worse than unemployment is actually having a job. 8) Actually, unemployment isn't that bad, as long as you're not, like, paying rent or needing something to eat or something like that.
