Saturday, January 22, 2011

As I Sit Amongst Magic and Beer

Waste of a day. I would have stayed in...well, let us begin with the beginning.

It was snowing this morning. That blows. Plus, my bed was warm, I was comfy, and goddamn I didn't wanna get up. But there was one thing preventing me from being prevented from leaving to join the rest of the world: I was awake.

Now, had I been hung-over, I would have stayed in bed. That would have been the final nail in the coffin of me staying in house and not being productive.

Instead...I went into lab and was...unproductive. To be fair, I could spin the minor thing I did today into the most amazing productivity ever. That being said, I still did nothing.

I did listen to the most amazing thing ever! And took a two hour lunch.

End of story, I didn't do anything, but it was a chill day.

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