Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Retract Claws, Now Pounce

So I worked on this thing for my advisor, as I may have mentioned, and I had written this email about the different ways in which I think she's going about this thing wrong, but I had to check something from a book in my lab so I held off sending it until I could double-check a fact.

Fact checking.

So, I check my facts and reread the email and realize that it is a tad more mean spirited and defeatist than I want it to be. So I deleted everything that was overly critical and left it with the simple greeting that I started with before I went off on a rant. I then met with her later to go over my reservations about the technique and she was busy, but understood that I had taken the task as far as I could and it was now in her hands.

After savaging the food left over from the faculty lunch meeting the afternoon was one of those whirlwinds of activity that end up flat. One of those times when you are running around with a thousand things to do and you're really busy, but don't actually accomplish much even though you're exhausted.

On of those.

I've also come to the sudden realization that class starts tomorrow and I didn't complete nearly as much as I had hopped to finish over break and now really have to be on my toes to get everything done by the end of next month. This means no more leaving work at work...well, I'll still leave work at work, but I'll just start pulling night time in the lab. Also splitting my day up so I work on one thesis section during the day and a different part at night.

I remember this from last year. It sucked then too.

Shit fuck.

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