Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Late Nights Do Lead To Late Mornings

A few important things learned from last night:

- Minivans are still awesome.

- Chris Nolan loves wide angle shots...and wider angle shots.

- Smiling really does suppress the gag reflex; useful knowledge when doing shots.

- Sometimes just providing a warm place to hangout is enough to make good friends.

- Two AM is really late if midnight is your normal bed time.

- If you smile and wait long enough, your guest eventually leave...eventually.

- Cheerios can take a surprisingly long time to eat.

- I kinda like cheap beer.

- Always go with your gut, cause everyone else might turn out to be an idiot.

- Dresden wasn't and still isn't a country.

- I need to watch Bladerunner, without falling asleep.

- Living with people makes finding reasons for procrastinating so much easier.

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