Sunday, January 16, 2011

Future Planing Of Marriage Adorableness

Tonight I went to a going away party for a couple of friends of mine that are moving across the country. They are married (to each other) and I met the both of them about a year or so ago and since then I've spent more time with them and really grown to like them a lot.

Tonight was really the epitome of what I love about them and what I hope my married life will some day be like. Here are a few highlights in wonderful list form:

- Games. We played games and I feel that game nights are a real big thing with married people and as a person who enjoys the competitiveness I had a TON OF FUN!!! We played Catch Phrase and Scene-it (the DVD based game) with the other people that were there (a recently engage couple and another couple who is very serious with each other) and it was a blast. I admit I probably missed out on raunchiness and inebriation on campus, but I was with people who were genuinely nice to their core and having good, wholesome fun...while drinking of course.

- Coupled friends. I never really appreciated the double date while I was dating my last two significant others, but having seen a group of couples interact I do see the draw and want in. The play between individuals and the couple-to-couple interactions are just priceless.

- Finger foods. I was reluctant at first to eat anything because I had just come from dinner, but they were fantastic. Definitely going to be a staple when I am hosting something small with my (future) significant other.

- Punch. This is the second time I've gone to a party that these people have thrown and both times they had a "drink of choice". Last time it was a bowl of champagne punch, this time it was a pitcher of Tom Collins. Either way, having a full bar and a set punch for everyone is a great idea and do want to include.

- Scented bathroom candle. It's the little things. I walk into the bathroom, turn on the light, and pee, and suddenly smell this wonderful field of flowers. It only took a match to change a bland room into an intimate, comfortable space. Smart, brilliant.

- Not getting old. The husband half of the couple got very drunk, though he held it together while everyone left, but after all the guests had left and it was just the couple of us left he was stumbling and drunk. I thought it was great; a true sign that one doesn't stop getting plastered just because they have a few more years and a ring. I admit to fond memories of girlfriends past helping me to be because I was very drunk. Some things don't change.

So I am sure I am missing a few, but I have to go to bed so I can play volleyball with these people tomorrow..errrrr, this afternoon.

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