Monday, January 24, 2011

Lost In The Woods While Making The Map

Today my advisor gave me the old, "We should meet to see how things are going."

Oh fuck.

Luckily that's not until Friday. It would have been today, but I was able to leverage barely-there nostalgia to make it Friday, 'like we always have'.

Oh dear, so it is time to kick things into high gear. The new problem I face is not a lack of motivation. I certainly have that now! Now the issue is just letting the wheels touch the ground and go!

This afternoon/evening I tried working on the section that will prove I did something. But I got bogged down in small details. Trying to analyze little details and thinking of what they mean and searching for explanations for things and over stepping what I've done or haven't done.

I came to the realization that I couldn't see the forest for the trees, but I just really wanna burn the forest down and not have to deal with the trees. If life were only that simple. Luckily I got lost on a small tirade about something that is ultimately fundamental to my thesis, but, as I found out, not something I can get to just yet. I have to build my argument first (hmmmm, thesis writing 101 anyone?).

So tomorrow I will get to what I should have done today while I was lost in the woods trying to see how big the forest was.

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