Friday, January 30, 2009

Fantasy Garage: M6

Car: 2009 BMW M6
Options: none
Price after options: $102, 925

I've been in love with this car ever since I first heard of it as a concept: sport tuned, V-10 engine, coupe, 2+2, BMW.  It was love at first sight.  Though it may not be the prettiest of all the BMWs on the road today, it certainly is one of the best and the GT car I would want to have...well, let's not get too far ahead of our selves.  

But this is still a great car!  Big engine, fast, German engineering.  Clearly I have so much to say about this particular vehicle.

I will say that to me what really sets the M6 apart from the rest is the complete disregard for engine size.  Sure there are other cars zipping around with turbo'd V8s and biturbo V12 (Mercedes I'm looking at you and all your ridiculousness), but the only popular cars to sport the nice round ten cylinder number are Lamborghini, BMW...and after searching everyone else the Porsche GT, which is no longer in production, comes to mind.  So when I was young and feeble minded I thought this was cool and unique.  500 hp and room for 4?  That's crazy I thought, I must have one.

So it stands that the M6 is the newest entry into my Fantasy garage: perfect handling, big engine, and two doors = fun times.

Money left in "Fantasy Garage Account": $344, 770

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