Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wait, but that's not what you said?!

So I give my dear friend, The Roommate, a call and ask him if he is coming to the party The Brewmiester and I are having.  His answer: no.  I'm a little bummed, since he's pretty much one of my best friends and since he's going abroad I won't see him for a while, but shit happens, life goes on.

He then texts me 4 hours later saying he's on his way to my apartment...huh?  What?!  That's not what you said 4 hours ago?!  But I'm not complaining.  It's partially a send off for him anyway, but be consistent dude.  

In other news, I had an amazing sandwich for lunch today.  It didn't come with a pickle, which was annoying because the book store cafe only give pickles out if you are eating in, but what ever.  It was an Italian combo with peperoni and salami and mozzarella cheese.  It was kinda awesome if I do say so myself.  A little olive oil, heated a bit, it was fantastic, but not as fantastic as my personal favorite: honey ham, salami, peperoni, provolone, melted/heated on a grinder roll with extra mayo.  Mmmmmmmmmmm, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.  

Also, I would like to take some more time to thank my wonderful mother for my previous post's error: my professors are not jerks.  They are all really cool and excited for the semester and really into the material they are teaching us.  It is really great to be in a major with professors who really REALLY love what they're doing.

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