Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leap from the Lion's Head

Well, I woke up super early today, 8:30, so I can try and see if i can put a plan into action.  There is this English class I signed up for and I really have no desire to take it.  It having a 20 page final research paper also kicks some of the wind out of my sails.  After talking to my friends The Shrink and The Piano Man, I was feeling a bit better about taking the course and decided that, like prunes, it would be good for me even though it would be unpleasant.

Then I talked to my friend The Stage and my housemate The Brewmiester and they were...supportive, but shared my reservations.

In the end, of course, I have realized that there is a way out!  There is another course taught by the Professor that I'm doing research with that I wanted to take, but didn't have room for.  It would mean I would be taking 3 labs this semester, but labs I can do.  Weekly reading responses and English research papers...what are those?  

So I woke up early to see if I can check with the head of my minor to see if I can take a different course instead of the English one and still complete my minor.  If yes, my professor's course starts at 10 so I need to be up.  If no, then...well, getting up early is good for you???

Well, here's to seeing if this penitent man will pass!

1 comment:

  1. my name is Shrink? Seriously? I prefer Peter...
