Monday, January 26, 2009

That makes things so much easier

So now that it is almost 3 in the morning, and I have finished and handed in my work I'm not tired.  This is clearly just a momentary laps and I will pass out at my keyboard any minute, but I felt obligated to make up for the lack of a post on Sunday.  I wish I could say I was resting, but it was more of a working/procrastination/reading thing.

The party on Saturday was fun though.  No baked goods from The Baker, but tons of ordered pizza, which made for a great 2am snack.  And speaking of great things: The Brewmiester's sleeping habits.  There were 6 of us sharing The Baker's living room, with The Brewmiester and I sleeping on a nicely sized twin-esque mattress.  This isn't a problem for me because I sleep like the dead: I don't move and I make very little noise.  Turns out The Brewmiester is the same way, which made sharing the mattress that much easier.  Everyone commented the next morning that if it wasn't for the fact we woke up the next morning, they would have thought we were dead.  

All in all it was a fun filled weekend, but now it is time to buckle down and relearn that all important skill of time management!

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