Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yeah, I'm a great blogger

So over a week without a post.  Go me.

So what happened in the last week:

Saw a weird puppet/dance/senior thesis production with The Old Friend.  It was a little out there, but the costumes were neat.  It was as is someone knew what they wanted to do and had the fabric all written down ahead of time, but then walked into the fabric store and realized, "Hey, look at all this other fabrics that they have in this store!  I want one of everything."  So there was about a football field's worth of fabric for each costume.  Plus it was very interpretive.  Weird all the way around, but definitely interesting.

Had a picnic in a cemetery...which was fun.  It was going to be just The Old Friend, her best friend, The Brewmiester, and I, but instead it was me, The Brewmiester, The Old Friend and a bunch of her friends (her best friend didn't make it).  It was a different experience.  Some of the people were tripping on...something or other.  We (The Brewmiester, The Old Friend and myself) didn't partake in any of that stuff, but it was funny to watch the tripping people interact with each other and the world.  Unfortunately there was not much in terms of food, so The Brewmiester and I bailed early to go get some food.

I GOT INTO THE BA/MA PROGRAM HERE AT UNIVERSITY!!!  Which means that I'm staying for a 5th year to get my masters, which is pretty cool.  It also makes sense for me, because I want to go into industry when I get out of school and having a masters makes it easier: I'll start at a higher position (and salary), I'll be able to move up more easily, and since I won't be getting a PhD (for now at least) I will be doing active work, rather than just research.  But overall YAY!!!

This week was fully of de-stressing: some good, some not so good.  Good de-stressing: drinking tea and getting enough sleep.  Bad de-stressing: get all of my papers due the last week before summer break.  Now it really is all on me to do them and not clusterfuck myself on that last week.  But on the up side I will probably only have 2 finals during finals week.  So that's kinda cool.

My housing for the summer is all but locked in place, unlike some of my other friends, so that is also a relief.

Aside from that, nothing else to report.  I know the garage still needs 2 more cars.  I'll get on that eventually...after I finish my first paper I will add a car.  How about that?

1 comment:

  1. Five years? Pshaw. That's nothing. It took me seven years to get a bachelor's and a master's degree. Of course, I likely wasted FAR more time than you have. 8)

    Seriously, congrats on getting into that program. Getting your master's right away is a great move!
