Monday, April 6, 2009

Rainy day list


Usually I love rainy days, but today was really a drag.  Dark grey sky from the start and it just rained.  It didn't pour, that I would have enjoyed on a purely "wow, this is intense" sort of way, but no.  Just normal off and on rain.  So let me take you through my day with a list entitled:

10 things that made the rainy day extra grey:
  1. Convincing my self I hadn't slept enough, even though I had and wining...or losing depending on how you look at it.
  2. Getting coffee when I actually didn't need it and being jittery all day.
  3. Walking all over campus and getting my hat and pants heat-suckingly-cold and wet.
  4. Trying to view downloaded data for a final paper only to discover that it wasn't in the correct format due to a missing/undownload-able header file?
  5. Getting lost in a hallway shaped like a C...with only one, well marked exit.
  6. Not being able to figure out what exactly I am supposed to be finding for tomorrow's meeting with my thesis advisor.
  7. Not being able to ask my professor about living in his house this summer.
  8. Wasting a bunch of time discovering that google can do everything!
  9. Not having any work immediately due and feeling incredibly unproductive because of it.
  10. Deciding right now to wake up at 7AM.
Yay rainy Mondays!

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