Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lever 2000: Don't call it soap!

Funny thing happened at the store yesterday.

I was starting to run low on soap so I went to get some more. I am a bar-to-body kind of guy so I grabbed a double pack of Lever 2000, since it was the only one on the shelf at my University super market that didn't double as tooth paste/shampoo/orderless wildlife food. As I was leaving I looked down at the packaging and realized that no where on the box did it say that it was soap.

No where.

In fact, on the back it says that it is a better moisturizer than soap, implying that it isn't soap at all! Now, people told me that it should be obvious from the shelf of other soaps that it is soap, but I still find it ridiculous that the packaging doesn't say what is inside it. Even Kleenex says "Facial Tissue" on the box, despite the fact everyone uses the brand as the name for the product.

I had to go to the website and even then they are reluctant to admit that they are selling soap. They call their product a deodorant bar soap.

To me, though, at the end of the day: soap is soap, no matter what euphemism you use.

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