Monday, April 26, 2010

Student Government: as interesting as CSPAN

So one of my house mates is the student body president and had been nagging me to show up to one of the open student union meetings that happen every Sunday night. Since it sounded as interesting as watching paint dry I always said no, but last night I broke down and went.

And boy was it boring. Nuances in the wording of statements to be sent to the administration, amendments to by-laws, committee reports, BLAH! God, I really wanted to leave half way in because I was afraid I would fall asleep!

There were a few positive things I learned through the 2 hour bore. The first is the professionalism that everyone had with the task at hand. The topics they were discussing were important, but them talking about adding a few "where as"'s here and an "at the discretion of" there was boring, but they all really seemed to know what they were talking about. And they were very passionate about it all.

They really were trying to do what was best for the student body and that really impressed me. They were dealing with topics like starting a University bike rental system and dealing with a possible open container policy (we currently have none, thank god!). Not only were they dealing with these issues they way the students would want them to be dealt with, they were dealing with it in a way the administration would respect and listen to.

Granted CSPAN and watching paint dry are just as exhilarating as the meeting I went to, but I really have a new found respect for the people who I've been electing over the past 4 years to represent my interests to the administration.

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