Friday, February 4, 2011

Now That You Ask, It Was A Bad Day

I went out to lunch with a friend of mine today and she asked me how my day was going. Up until then I hadn't really thought about it. Let's recap starting with the night before:

- After finishing writing the last section of thesis for the night, I went searching on Pandora for one more rock ballad to power me into the kitchen and join my house mates for some Thursday night bonding/revelry only to have Pandora fail. I reset, opened new windows, but nothing worked. So instead of being jazzed to hangout I was pissed off! Turns out the cable/Internet was down in the house...which was why everyone was not watching TV or on their computers. At least it wasn't my computer that was fucking up.

- I then awoke, a little late, to a hangover. The result of mixing that shot of whiskey into my 4th beer no doubt. That just put a huge damper on the day cause I kinda felt like crap and hadn't really planned on feeling like shit all day. Some nights you just go into it knowing 'well shit, i'm gonna feel like crap in the morning...oh well, let's have fun!' and that's ok, because you plan on it and the hangover acts like a stamp from a club. A little reminder that you did have fun, but there's always a tax.

- Then I found I had three parking tickets for leaving my car in a student lot for the past few days because of the snow. There is money I won't have anymore!

- Then while driving into town for lunch I nearly skidded out of control into an intersection. It was one of those 'i'm being dumb and this will totally be my fault because i'm dumb' moments. i may have been going a little fast down a hill on slushy roads, but I thought I would have enough traction. NAY! The laws of physics said to me, so I did the only thing I could do: I beached myself on the nearest snowbank. The crossing guard saw me and literally face-palmed at my obvious fuck up. One minute of slick rocking and I got Opis free to...

- ...find no parking anywhere! Between the snow and construction crews there was no where to park. I ended up driving around for ten minutes just looking for a spot. No fun.

So when my friend asked me how my day was going, I was inclined to say good or fine, the normal canned response, but after thinking about it for a few seconds I had to say that my day wasn't going well at all!

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