Monday, February 7, 2011

The Extra Hour

Someone once told me that the most useful work one can do every day is the little extra they do at the end of the day. The little extra so that what ever you were working on is finished so you don't leave it for the next day.

It is this little bit that everyone tends to leave off. It isn't the end of the world to leave it behind, but it weighs on you. You'll go into work the next day and your first thought will be, "Damn, I still have to work on this?!" and not, "Boy am I glad I got that out of the way yesterday, now I can concentrate on this."

Tonight I mustered up the will power to spend the past hour-ish after the Super Bowl to work on this data gathering thing I've been putting off and don't really have time to do tomorrow either. The best part is that now I can move forward now it's out of the way.

Late nights will perhaps become a new norm this week. We shall see.

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