Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cabin Feverish

Spent the last two days inside working on my thesis. Yesterday went well. Today was slightly less productive.

I now remember why I would work in lab and leave my laptop there: my home has to be the safe place fro, my thesis. Getting up walking three feet and working is awful. I need need need to work from lab tomorrow.

But the weather is soooooooooooo shity! I know, suck it up bitch, welcome to winter, but really this is almost too much to deal with. I really can't stand being couped up in my house all the time working. Working sucks and I would rather be doing ANYTHING ELSE!

Tomorrow I have to start really working...more like work consistently. Monday I dicked off, yesterday I made graphs, today I wrote about graphs, tomorrow I will have to do some combination of that. I also have to do real work this weekend, which I can do since I will be here at University as opposed to visiting people...damned ice storm!

But it should be good. I'm on track to hit 2 out of 3 goals for this week so that's cool and with the weekend I should be able to make up for that lost third.

I just really have to get the fuck out of my house.

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