Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Aim For Glorious Plans And When I Was Batman

The wonderful thing about Tuesdays for me is that I have no class, so I can spend the whole day working on other things.

Now stop laughing.

This is especially important now as I plan to make a huge dent in both a section of my thesis today, but more importantly (read as: the lower hanging fruit) I plan to do most of my work of my lab class today which will mean only a little work for me to do later. Planning ahead and all that good stuff.

I've also decided to permanently stop working at home. It isn't really working out and I need to separate my quiet home area from my work area. This will just mean longer and more hours in lab, but that's what I did last year an it worked out just fine. Sometimes familiarity breeds contempt, but sometimes it's that familiarity that makes you feel at home...home, in this case of course, is working at a computer for hours on end.

I also has a really trippy dream last night. I was in my town and there was a snowstorm or one had just happened, but there was a layer of snow on everything and there was no blacktop to be seen. I was driving some sort of large vehicle (Batmobile) and lost control and crashed. Well, I was going rather fast and not trying to slow down.

I hit one car that appeared to be totally fine even though I'm pretty sure I should have destroyed the thing. Another car, a new Mercedes SLS was totally blown apart. All I saw was the front end and the rest of the cars was...I dunno?

Then I walk around to the grill of my vehicle (Batmobile) and notice a car stuck in it with a woman bleeding from some head wound. At this point I try and dial 911, but I'm super clumsy and keep screwing it up. At this point there are a couple of people starting to gather and wonder what is going on.

(Now this is where things are a little fuzzy) Then the people I was with and I hijack a parked snow plow and start driving up the streets to get to my house. I'm still decked out like Batman; cape and all. Then we are on one of the last streets and I'm trying to work the front plow so it doesn't steer us off the road and totally rip off the front of someone's parked car. A quick look at the shattered front bumper and it looks like a Corvette nose.

So I park the truck and get out to look and the people who own the car take a look also, and at this point I realize I'm gonna have to pay for this and start to get worried. So there is like a dozen people around this car that turns out to just be some piece of shit Chevy truck with a custom grill. At this point I calm down as I make sure the front radiators are still in place and that I didn't do any mechanical damage to the car.

Then my mother shows up (dressed like Bat Woman) in a Bat-Sled (jet powered of course) and tells me to not worry about it, and that she'll drive the truck and I should get in the sled and get everyone home.

So I jump in the sled turn it on and start leading the way back to my house. Suddenly this hill wen from a couple blocks long to like a couple hundred blocks long and there's people shooting at us (well, me since the Batsled had an open cockpit) and I have one arm up to protect my face and I feel a couple hit me in the chest and ricochet off the armor. The problem is that I'm also using my arms to propel myself up-hill and to steer. So I'm not going too fast and not very maneuverable, so putting my hand up to not get shot in the face is troublesome.

Then I hear my mom over the speaker tell me that I have the jets on minimum thrust and that I should be steering with the wheel not my hands. So I hit the jets, grab the wheel, and everything becomes SO MUCH easier! And then we start to pull onto my street...

And then I woke up.

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