Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Blues Brothers paper

One of the most famous lines form the Blues Brothers movies was the line "We're on a mission from god," and today I sort of feel like and outside hand is trying to push me in the right direction.

I have this paper like 3 weeks, but our professor said he would look over it and give us edits if we gave him a rough draft by tomorrow. So today I started to write my paper. So far I have two sentences and the paper has a max length of 16 pages.

Yeah, I am optimistic as well!

But i decided to go home and shower so that I could push through until the late night without having to stop to shower later and so I could sleep-in in the morning (more on my ideas behind showering in the afternoon at another time), but alas! The shower was taken when I got home.

This only leads me to one conclusion: god wants me to finish this paper before I shower. So here it is, plain and simple: do as much as I can on the paper and shower in the morning.

Updates to follow.


  1. I've had those moments too. The one thing I'm confused on however is if the paper is actually on the Blues Brothers. If it is, then there should be no hesitation.

    If it is not however, then you should simply change your paper so you are in fact writing about the Blues Brothers. This method should surely result in an "A+." Should it not, then your professor must simply not know how to recognize a topic better than the one he assigned and thus be immediately fired.

  2. truer words have never been spoken...ever.
