Sunday, December 20, 2009

Because Kate doesn't get enough attention

Hooray for posts that have nothing to do with their titles!

Today was a good day and an all together surprising one because today for the first time in a while I sorta stepped back and realized that I'm happy. It isn't everyday that one can just stop think about themselves and say, "Yes. I am happy." Sure I've felt good and ok and so-so and alright and I've been "pushing through" and "hanging in there", but today, right now, I feel happy. I also learned a thing or two today:

  1. I itch.
  2. Snow blowers are probably the best inventions ever ever! We have a gas powered behemoth and boy can it move snow around! I did my entire driveway in no time at all. No back breaking work with a shovel or anything. Fuck that. Hell no, not for me, I've got my self a snow blower!
  3. I really love driving Opis in the snow. Now I know I've never formally introduced her, but Opis is my dad's Saturn Ion that I drive. Not my first choice, but she gets the job done without complaining too much. I arrived at the name Opis because according to Roman mythology Opis was the wife of Saturn and since you always name things after women Opis it is! Anyway, Opis is front-wheel drive and a manual (lovelovelove stick) and gunning it in first to plow through the snow to get out of the driveway this morning was so so so much fun. Granted the drive way was clear, but just getting out onto the street in front of my house was a blast!
  4. Julie and Julia is a good movie and did 2 things for me: one-blog more! and two-make me really hungry.
  5. My mom makes the best lasagna. I know your mother does and every mother does...but my mother actually makes the best lasagna.
  6. Annette Bening is gorgeous. Saw her tonight in Being Julia (two movies with "Julia" in the title in one night? who knew?") and she was stunning. I would totally be that younger guy who sleeps with her and then sleeps with the hot blond chick my age. Sounds pretty awesome to me.
And that's all I have to say for my self tod-oh wait, and.........right, remembered now. I'm reading this new (new as in they have an archive that goes back to 2005) webcomic called Shortpacked (click the link to see what comic is was reading when I wrote this) and I don't know how I feel about it. I read other webcomics that are relationship/drama driven and they are fun and I read others that are fun and quirky and have no real continuity, but this new one sorta tries to be everything...and I don't know if I like it. I mean, I am reading it and mostly enjoying it, but I'm also mostly reading because I'm hoping it will get better. I dunno! We will have to see.

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