Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sickly studying scientific silicates

Many moons ago after being sick for 4 or 5 days and blowing yellow icky stuff out of my nose I decided to see the doc at the University health center. Having spent most of my Middle/High School years never getting colds and only getting sinus infections I was certain that some anti-biotics were soon to be handed over to yours truly.

Now, the health center folks here at University don't like giving anti-biotics and for good reason, anti-biotic resistant bugs are on the rise and they suck. So, they only give them out when they are 100%, proof positive, sure-to-the-max that the only thing between the guy in the black hood with the farm implement and life is anti-biotics.

So, having been under the weather for close to a it was more like 7 or 8 days...having been sick for over a week I was confident that they would hand over the goods. I was also confident I could name the product they would give me, since I had had them all when I was younger.

So the doc sees me.

Inconclusive. No fever. Fuck that.

He comes back in with a little bag full of decongestants, antihistamines, and ibuprofen (well, none of that since I had enough to make a hippo not feel it's legs back in my room) and a list of how to cure just about anything.

Let me give you the short version: take drugs, drink lots water, sleep.

It worked is sorta working now.

I picked a great time to get sick: a day before a date, a day before a weekend (that was negated by the fact that...), 3 days before a mid-term exam.

So far the only thing that really made feel good was the two Jameson and teas I had Friday afternoon. But hey, to each their own right?

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