Thursday, November 18, 2010

The concept of parallel lines

We've all been here: one friend tells you something, usually very private or semi/mostly private. Being human you feel the need to share this info with someone.

Thus the issue: who to share it with. Obviously you made a pact with person A that the info will remain between you and them....but you need perspective and need/want to share it. But how?

You need to respect person A's wishes, but you need to pass along info. That whole deep seeded need and such.

So you turn to someone who doesn't know person A or...even better! Someone who knows person A, but never interacts with them. Thus creating the parallel pathway.

The parallel person knows what is going on . Knows who all the players involved are, but isn't involved and never will be.

This is a unique person. A favored confident. The one who you trust to not blow your spot when the time of calling calls.

These people may be spread out in your life, but in the end they keep your sanity in ridiculous situations and are there when you need perspective.

They rock. And in the end we love them so much for being there and being discrete while we do our things and stuff and they are there to secretly catch us and keep us going.

Morale of the story: secrets are meant to be kept...except when you have friends you trust who aren't involved. In which case, outside input+your own life experience=good advice for the friend who wanted the advice in the first place.

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