Friday, May 29, 2009

I caught a chinchilla, what did you do today?

So this week began with graduation on Sunday.  It started out hazy and then turned beautiful, so beautiful in fact that I got a wee bit of sun on my face and arms.  Hopefully this won’t be the only sun I get all summer, but if this rainy weather continues, it just might.


Then Monday…oh dear, Monday.  Monday was as crazy as crazy could get.  I woke up early so I could get a little bit of work done in the lab and then rushed around doing a million different things.  It didn’t help that I realized late that it was Memorial Day and everything was closed…except my favorite deli (thank the heavens!).  I moved out of my university apartment and dumped all my crap into the apartment I am subletting from a friend for the summer.  Then rushed back to help my lazy roommates pack…which consisted of me just packing more things into my car (I have a car now, on long term loan from my mom) and ferrying people to and from the storage facility.  After all was said and done I went to bed (after fully unpacking my stuff which was an ordeal unto itself) and woke up early to meet my advisor.  But Steve, you may ask, why would you have to meet your advisor early in the morning?


Well, I’m house/animal sitting this week for my advisor. She has chickens (which are probably the easiest animals to take care of out of the lot of them), chinchillas (which are cute and fluffy, but try at nothing to escape their cages when ever you get near), and her dog (who is super playful and I feel bad every time I’m doing work or eating and say ‘I can’t play now’).  Now that I take it all in as a whole it is not such a bad gig.  Free eggs, puppy to sleep with, doing a friend a favor, but the mornings are a little...shall we say: brutal!


The little doggie is pretty much my alarm clock, which is just really annoying when you haven’t had a full night’s sleep, and most of the chores take place in the morning.  The night time is easy, but oh god these mornings.  Especially because it has been cold and wet, it is just down right dreary…but I do love New England.


The Old Friend left for her summer adventure(s) Tuesday night.  I’m really going to miss her.  She has become such an integral part of my life that I wish there was some way we could be together more over the summer than not seeing each other.  But such is life right?  She’ll have fun doing her things and I’ll have fun doing my things.


One issue I have with house sitting: communications dead zone.  I have no cell phone service and I can’t connect to her house wireless.  Now this wouldn’t be an issue if it weren’t for the fact I am like 5 minutes from campus: close enough to stop bitching, but far enough away that you don’t want to walk in the middle of the night.  I am mostly up set about the internet.  If she had no internet I’d be cool with that, but the fact that it exists and I can’t figure out how to make it work erks me.  So I’m writing this post in a word doc and going to transfer it over to the blog at a later time, so though I am writing this on a Thursday, it might not be until Friday that it is up, but hopefully I’ll be able to get to my apartment tonight to get this up.

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