Sunday, May 10, 2009


Here I sit as finals week is about to begin.  Since the whole shooting thing professors have reduced finals so that they won't be as rigid and terrifying as they would have been.  That being all well and good, I still have to do them.

Now for the plan:

Monday: Geochem final, probably take it in the afternoon.  It's take home and open book.  Not too too worried about it.  At night I'm going to get together with my partners and do a Lab presentation write up.  And if that doesn't take too too long study a little sed.

Tuesday: SED SED SED!!!  Study until my eyes fall out and then either take it at night (since it's take home) or...

Wednesday: Probably take sed final in the morning or early afternoon.  Then at night I am going to work on my Silent Spring paper so that I have all my sources read and an outline.

Thursday: Write the paper.

Friday: Finish Silent Spring paper in the morning if I some how was unable to the day before.  Write Geochem research paper (5-7 pages about algal blooms and nitrogen in southern California, not too hard).

That's the plan, now let's see if I stick to it!

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