Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pricked by a Rose, burned by Blush, and a return to Plan A

So my love life as of late has not gone as planned...or more like the plans changed so much there was no coherent plan.

So first there was the this one girl...let's call her Texas Rose. Now, Texas Rose and I had gone on a couple dates, kissed a couple times (literally) and I felt like there could be something (aside from the fact she was awesome and beautiful and I liked her) between us. But even I have to admit, in my heart of hearts, that there was something missing.

On our first date there was some spark missing. Now I was super sick, but I couldn't shake the feeling that the date felt more like work than a date. When you have a connection with someone, spending time with them should be effortless. It should flow like you've known each other forever.

We didn't have that. I began to wonder if there was no chemistry between us, which would have been a shame because she was gorgeous and awesome.

So then we had a second date and it was awesome! We stayed for over an hour after the bill came just talking. That spark was there!

And then everything cooled

She was busy and never rescheduled for a 3rd date. So I invited myself along to a "friend date" with a friend of hers. Now, I know that sounds bad, but I knew this friend and I knew that both girls wouldn't mind if I as there since I knew them both.

So...we see this performance and then I'm walking her back to her place and she tells me that "I don't want to be rude, but..." warning lights already, but she said she had a paper to write and she couldn't let me in when we got to her place.



I would have done it differently, but I'll go along with it. So we walk for another 10ft or so and she turns to me again and says, "And you know you don't have to walk me home either...right?"

Well fuck me sideways! It was then I realized that she had "FUCK OFF!" tattooed on her forehead and wished her the best on her paper and went on with the rest of my night.

My friends suggested I back off and let her come to me.


She never did.

New plan: a friend...let's call her Blush (note, nicknames might be subject to change between stories) was newly single-ish and we used to have a thing. In my mind's eye now seemed like a better tie than not to start up our thing again. I told her I was coming to visit and another mutual friend was going to hangout with us also.

No prob. this mutual friend was 230% into the idea of us being together, so I saw this as encouragement. And hen this friend backed out.

Fucking perfect, a whole day with Blush and no one to get in the way. You couldn't ask for a better set-up.

And then the words of death. I asked Blush if it was to be just the two of us all day and she said "Yup! Just two SUPER PLATONIC BUDDIES!"

Well fuck me doubly sideways!!!

Shot down twice in the course of a few weeks.

One must persevere in times like this, so I am returning to Plan A. What is Plan A you might ask? Well, dear Watson, it is very elementary: get and oil job, move to Houston, set up a match(dot)com account, find love.

At least this way I can not care about next semester and regrow my beard.


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